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Open EdTech at MoodleMoot Global 2022
The Open EdTech project is all about collaboratively designing the best Education technology we can imagine for the future, without too many constraints placed by what is possible now.
To make this work we need to talk a lot, to listen a lot, and of course to make the time to for all this to happen.
That’s why I’m happy so many people made the effort to take part in the Open EdTech workshop that took place on 28th September 2022 as part of the recent Global MoodleMoot.
Around 150 wonderful educational technologists from all over the world came together to discuss recent developments in our framework model and to try to push things further in each of our main components: Cloud, AI, OER, Learner, Classroom, and Organisation.

After an introduction, we split into several tables of 6 or so around each of the components, and the teams worked on a representation of their discussions on a big piece of paper for 45 minutes.
Photos of every paper were taken and pushed into a presentation document in real time, so that the whole room could see them as a representative from every group summarised their work.
It’s a simple workshop technique, and there was not too much one can get done in such a short time with so many voices, but it was a great way to step outside of everyone’s day-to-day issues and stimulate everyone’s thinking and learning about what the future of education should really look like – conversations that are continuing in our online working groups.